Friday, February 20, 2009

Well I am not on a role this year uh? It has been busy gutting the master bathroom. I never knew it would take so long to pick out a tile for the floor and the shower, so many decisions. I will have to post a before and after of the ugly to beautiful bathroom.
We have so many other not finished projects it boggles my mind why we started this one. DH gets a little bored and something in the house gets torn apart. I guess it gets updated every so often is the good thing.

I have one comment on the housing bail-out "WHERE IS MY BAILOUT!" We pay our mortgage on time, we did not buy more house then we could afford (we bought under!way under) we don't spend money we don't have so "WHERE IS MY BAILOUT!" Why should we pay for other peoples mistakes. I am NOT saying the people that are working 2-3 jobs, taking care of kids, lost their jobs and just can't make ends meat. Where is the moral commitment when you sign that paper. What do you think? I know of 3 people that make mistake after mistake and do not want to change their habits to make it work. SO Why should we bail them out! MOP

Just Frustrated!


Bev said...

boy do I hear you!! I've stayed in my house for 30 years becasue I could afford it! A bigger, newer house would be so nice but.....this one I can afford so I stay put. And I tinker. I change things up a bit here and there. And it takes forever to finish a project when therre is no deadline! LOL

Musicmom-Amy said...

Right with you Jodi! People look at our house and make judgements of it's size (2,200 sq.ft) but dont' know that we've lived in this house for 15 years. And seriously won't be moving ~ can't afford to do so.

How about the $1,000 a year for 5 years for those people that make their payments on time! Well, I have too but I'm not getting that money and neither should they! We're all the responsible ones. Frustrating for sure!