Monday, November 24, 2008

Off to dads house

We are getting ready to go to Dads house for Thanksgiving and it already has been a trip. My sister called and said they could not make it until Thursday night, so dad gets his shorts in a tivey. I mentioned to make Thanksgiving on Friday and he thought I shot the bird right then and there. Well, after much thinking instead of eating in shirts when people come in we are going to eat on Friday. It is a long drive for us 16 hours just for 3 days, but I LOVE my dad and since we won't get to go for Christmas I want to see him for Thanksgiving. I have learned take any oppurtunity to see family when ever you can.

I spent the day with Kris we had a good time. I did not get to see her new house since i needed to get back to the house to pick up the boys from school. It is touch since it is a 1 hour or more depends on traffic each way.
I got a new Bind- it- all so I got some O-wire at the junkie. I only spent 19.00 I was very proud of myself. I am keeping our spending on the low before Birthdays and christmas hit.

Happy Thanksgiving see you next week.

1 comment:

Cracker Scraps said...

I'm so jealous you got to see Kris's house first! Hope you're not freezing yourself to death up there in NE! We had a wonderful TG meal with leftovers today! I am going to grow out of my pants if I don't watch out!

BTW, you've been tagged so check my blog for details!