Sunday, January 25, 2009

Way to long!

I can't believe it has been over a month since I have been on here. I thought I would be better after the first of the year and NOPE! I will try to be better. Well since December it has been busy, but being so cold out for here we have been staying inside.
Tyler spilled some bad chemicals on his hand and it is not pretty. Jack has been sick for over a week with the flu. Let's all pray he will go to school tomorrow PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Payton is my little social bug haven't seen him much lately. I went to family movie night at his school and he took off to be with his FRIENDS. Well I thought the FAMILY would come with me, but no they did not want to sit through Kung Fu Panda. I sat all by myself on the cold, hard gym floor all by myself eating popcorn. What a mom would do for their kids. Now tonight he is at a basketball game his friend is in.

Well I will check in tomorrow the hot tub it HOT! YIPEE!